Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Environment Day: Indian Practices and Customs

      The World Environment Day is observed on 5th June every year all over the world since 1974. The purpose of the observation of World Environment Day is protection and preservation of the environment. This is for maintaining the ecological balance on the earth which is very much important for the existence of the living beings.

     Even though the environment day is celebrated from 1974, in India, the preservation of nature or environment was practised for centuries. Hindu, the largest sect in India believe that "Prakriti pancha bhutani graha loka swarasthata" means the human body and other creatures in the planet earth are made of Panch Bhutas (five elements) which are bhumi (earth), jal (water), agni (fire), bayu (air) and vyom or akash (space) and  hence worship each of the elements. 

      Hinduism, which is said to be a way of life, has many panthas within it. Each pantha has their own scriptures and places of worship and gods or goddesses. Basically, a large section of hindu worships the trinity: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the administrator and Mahesh the destroyer. The creator Brahma rides on a Swan, the administrator Vishnu rides on Garura and the destroyer Mahesh on Bull. Apart from them gods such as Shanidev rides on crow and bhagawan Ganesha on mouse etc. All these gods are worshipped with their vahanas (carriers) they ride. Likewise, with goddesses Durga, Laxmi and Saraswati the lion, owl and swan are worshipped. Moreover, trees like tulshi, peepal, banyan and living beings like cow, snakes, elephant and the rivers and hills are also worshipped since ancient time in India. 

      The saints and monks in ancient India had discovered the relationships among different creatures and the environment and had eventually developed a social custom for worshipping and preserving all to keep the balance amongst them.  

       These practices symbolise that in India, the preservation of nature and environment has been done for thousands of years. Even in modern India these are prevalent as religious practices and customs. Bhumi pujan or worshipping of the earth before any construction work, griha pujan or home entry before entering into new home are done in the present time also. Festivals like gobordhon Puja, kumbha mela etc. are also celebrated to worship hills and rivers. 

      In  the  present time, the natural disasters occur mostly due to ecological imbalance caused as a result of exploitation of nature by human being. It is seen that in the name of modern lifestyle human being has moved far away from nature and exploit and destroy it for own comfort and luxury. 

       Mere observation of a day for environment is not enough, it should reflect in our the daily activities or in lifestyle. As human being we should realise the importance of environment or nature and should work for preservation of the same. Remember that if we save nature, nature will save us. 

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